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Planning an event can really be a daunting task. But with the right formula, even a newbie can make a go of it. One just has to understand the structure of the whole rigorous process. 

Event planning has an internal structure that one should follow to ensure the success of an event. Without this structure, you risk disorganization and eventually the failure of your event. So, to guide you in your first or even your nth gig, here are some stages in event planning that you should take a look at.

people planning and discussing
How to Plan an Event: the Stages of Event Planning

Stage 1 – Research

To align yourself with the vision of your client, you need to do some research for the event that you’re planning. Ask your client about the budget, timeline, and the number of people expected to attend the event. Document the goals and objectives of the event as you will circle back to this list to measure the success of your event later on. 

Stage 2– Design 

Confirm the theme of the event with your client, and work around it. Look for a venue that will accommodate the theme of the event, the purpose of the event, and the number of guests. Assemble your event team and contact some vendor suppliers. Once all are set, make a proposal to your client including the budget proposal and all the details you’ve gathered. 

Stage 3 – Brand the Event

Use promotional materials to get people talking about your event. Use your event’s name or tagline for a more successful event. With this, attendees would know what to expect from the event should they choose to attend. Branding your event is a key part in event planning and will help in publicity. 

Stage 4 – Coordination

Finalize the event plan with each of your members and staff. Coordinate with them and assign responsibilities on the day of the event itself. And since this is the D-day, expect a stressful time as some unforeseen problems may come up.

Stage 5 – Evaluation

Now, we circle back to the list of goals and objectives you’ve agreed upon with your client. This is the stage where you check and review whether you met your client’s expectations or not. Discuss with the team what went right or wrong, and how you can improve. Incorporate these the next time you plan for the next events. 

With these, you can now get the ball rolling in event planning. And even if there were misses, don’t worry, there’s always room for improvement.

Not yet confident about planning an event? We are here to help!



Planning Guide

Stages of Event

Event Budgeting

Event Taglines